
This package provides number datatypes which store their data in a type parameter. These are referred to as static numbers. (The word "static" has lots of uses in computer science. Here, it means that the number is constant at runtime.)

Data that is passed in type parameters is (usually) handled at compile-time, rather than at run-time. In certain cases this can lead to better performance. For this reason, some functions accept value type arguments, Val{X}, where X is an argument that is passed at compile-time. Static is an alternative to Val which is specifically designed to handle numbers.

The difference between Val and Static is that Static types promote and convert like their type parameters, so they can be used directly in arithmetic operations. (For example static(1) + 1 equals 2.) This makes it possible to use them with functions that were not specifically written to accept value arguments, essentially forcing the Julia compiler to do constant propagation in situations where it might not otherwise have done so.

Under the surface, there are three Static datatypes: StaticInteger, StaticReal, and StaticNumber, subtypes of Integer, Real and Number respectively. The Union type Static can be used to refer to them all. For brevity, all three types are displayed as static(X), and it is also recommended to create them using this syntax.

Note: At the moment, the type union is named Static with a capital S, while the function that creates static variables is named static in lowercase.

By default, any operation on a Static will result in a non-Static type. For example, static(2)+static(2) gives 4, not static(4).

The macro @stat makes the result of a computation a Static when all arguments are static or literals. For example:

i = 2
s = static(2)
s + s        # returns 4 - not static(4), even though s is static.
@stat s + s  # returns static(4)
@stat s + 2  # also returns static(4), since 2 is a literal
@stat s + i  # returns 4, because i is not a static number

If the @stat macro is used with pure (and relatively simple) functions, then the Julia compiler will be able to infer the return type, resulting in performant code.

Static numbers can be used to create ranges with static length. Such ranges can be used to create tuples in an efficient manner. For example:

Tuple(i^2 for i in static(1):static(4)) # computed at compile time
Tuple(i^2 for i in 1:4) # computed at runtime, length of the tuple is not inferred (as of Julia 1.3.1).

Indexing into tuples can also be a lot more efficient with static numbers. For example:

t = (1, 2, 3, 4)
@stat t[2:end-1] # fast, type stable and non-allocating
t[2:end-1] # less performant

(Indexing tuples without static numbers works well in certain special cases, thanks to pull request 31138.)

When creating static numbers, it is important to consider whether the type system will be able to work efficiently. For example, f(static(x), y) is likely slower than f(x, y) even when called repeatedly with the same x. A specialized method of f is created for this value of x, and the function call itself will be faster. But since the type system will not know the type of static(x) in advance, a dynamic dispatch will happen at each function call.

On the other hand, something like f(x==0 ? static(0) : x, y) will typically be fast. The construct x==0 ? static(0) : x will belong to Union{typeof(x), static(0)}, and Julia is able to dispatch efficiently on small type unions. Shorthands for this construct are f(trystatic(x, 0), y) and f(x ⩢ 0, y).

It is important not to make the set of static numbers (i.e. types) too large, as this can lead to a lot of compilation overhead. The @stat macro can be dangerous when used inside loops or in recursive functions.

There is no StaticRational datatype, but a StaticReal with a Rational type parameter will convert and promote like its parameter. For example: static(1//2) + 1 === 3//2.

The Unsigned datatype currently does not work well with static numbers. For this reason the @stat macro does not turn unsigned numbers into static. (This is work in progress, and subjec to change.)

Static numbers are only fast when fully specified. A Vector{Static} is much slower than a Vector{Int}. (A Vector{StaticInteger{1}} is fast and requires very little memory, but on the other hand it can only store the number one.)

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